What is Ice Apple? What makes this rare Indian fruit a superfood?

What is Ice Apple

Sweet, delicious, fleshy and transparent, this rare coastal fruit is found in regions of Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra and also in several parts of Eastern India. It is encased inside a coconut-like fruit which is cut to extract the seed. This seed is known as an Ice Apple which has a beautiful transparent yellowish flesh, this fruit looks like an ice and has a square shape. But do you know why this fruit is known as a superfood?

This ice-like-looking fruit is loaded with vitamins, minerals, calcium, phytonutrients and carbohydrates. Apart from that, this low-calorie fruit is high in fiber, protein, vitamins A, C, E, and K, iron, zinc, phosphorus, and potassium, which helps in boosting overall immunity. Adding this fruit to your diet can help in boosting metabolism, which further helps in improving digestion and promotes weight loss. Moreover, the presence of dietary fiber, protein and water content together helps in effective weight management.

Why is the Ice apple a superfood?

This ice-like-looking fruit is loaded with vitamins, minerals, calcium, phytonutrients and carbohydrates. Apart from that, this low-calorie fruit is high in fiber, protein, vitamins A, C, E, and K, iron, zinc, phosphorus, and potassium, which helps in boosting overall immunity. Adding this fruit to your diet can help in boosting metabolism, which further helps in improving digestion and promotes weight loss. Moreover, the presence of dietary fiber, protein and water content together helps in effective weight management.

How does it help in weight loss?

Planning to lose weight, then add this fruit to your diet. Ice apple is naturally loaded with water, which makes it great for summer hydration. The fiber content in this fruit provides satiety and has a cooling nature, which helps in improving digestion and gut health. The dietary fiber present in this fruit also works as a laxative and relieves constipation. Lastly, the low calorie composition of this fruit makes for a perfect summer weight loss fruit.

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