About Us

Our mission is to help you make the best choices for your health.

Our team of writers and editors are industry experts, including healthcare professionals and journalists, who write and continually update our article library. Our Medical Review Board of board-certified physicians vets our articles so you can be confident in your next steps for better health.

Bestvitaminsusa.com is dedicated to making information about food supplements, vitamins, and nutrition accessible, understandable, and actionable so that readers can make the best possible decisions choosing the right product. Our content is created, fact-checked, and reviewed by qualified writers, editors, and other contributors.

Our Editorial Process

The Bestvitaminsusa.com team is committed to bringing you accurate, trustworthy, and unbiased information about dietary supplements (vitamins, minerals, proteins, probiotics, etc.). Each piece of content is developed by our editorial team in partnership with expert writers, medical reviewers, and fact checkers. We appreciate your curiosity about our editorial process and are proud to share our rigorous standards with you.

Written by pharmacy experts and journalists

Fact-checked with research

Сonsiders only high-quality products

Updated to reflect medical advances

Our Approach

We know trust is earned, so we’re happy to share more about how Bestvitaminsusa.com evaluates and selects the products we cover in our content. We aim to create content that is balanced and objective. To this end, we maintain a healthy separation between our editorial and business teams throughout the content creation process for product reviews, product roundups, and articles with shopping links to ensure that our content is editorially independent

We only add links to products when we identify a need, or that it adds value to you, our readers. As health and wellness are increasingly commodified, we take care to understand the line between products, services, and tools that provide real, tangible value versus those that don’t. 

We strive to maintain our content’s integrity and excellence by ensuring the companies we work with are companies we can stand behind. We put the brands we work with through a rigorous process of vetting prior to including them in our content. Individual products chosen by the editorial teams go through a similar vetting process to confirm brand integrity and product safety.