Vitamins for Weight Loss and Metabolism – Top 6 Products

Did you know that the lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body inhibits the process of losing weight? Nutritionists have identified these 5 vitamins to help you shed those extra pounds faster. Include these best vitamins for weight loss and metabolism in your diet – and lose weight for health!

Vitamins for Weight Loss and Metabolism

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, also known as retinol, helps to improve performance, speeds up metabolism, and helps to quickly recover from stress. A sufficient amount of vitamin A during weight loss is a guarantee that your immunity will not weaken, as often happens during a diet. Vitamin A is not found in foods in pure form; it is synthesized from retinol and carotenoids. You will find the first in the liver – chicken, beef, pork or fish, chicken egg yolks, dairy products, and butter. But look for carotenoids in vegetables, fruits, and berries of red and orange colors, for example, tomatoes, carrots, peaches, apricots, red peppers, and pumpkin. There is also a lot of it in zucchini, cabbage, and fresh herbs.

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Calcium is the best friend of those who loses weight! In addition to the fact that calcium is the main “builder” of the body, it also acts as an activator of many enzymes that contribute to the release of energy, which directly affects the metabolic rate. The best sources of calcium are dairy products. Milk, yogurt, hard cheese, cottage cheese… But it is better if these products contain a low percentage of fat. Rely on sour milk if you want to get rid of excess in the abdomen. And don’t forget, the abundance of dairy products in the diet reduces the risk of side effects during the diet.


Chromium is another active participant in metabolism. Primarily because chromium interacts with insulin to help the body absorb glucose better. And what does weight loss have to do with it, you ask? It’s simple: since chromium controls blood sugar levels, it is also responsible for the body’s taste needs – in particular, for cravings for sweets and starchy foods. Conclusion: the more chromium in the body, the fewer cravings for sweets and the lower your appetite in general. The daily requirement of chromium is 150 mg, but it is quite difficult to get it. Among the foods rich in chromium: Brazilian and hazelnuts, buckwheat, millet, veal liver, raw onions, beans, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, as well as fatty sea fish.

Vitamin B

Among the B vitamins, nutritionists distinguish B1, B6, and B12. Vitamin B1 (scientifically thiamine) is very important for carbohydrate metabolism. Lack of B1 is the reason for increased appetite, provocation of overeating, and, as a result, excess weight. Thiamine-rich foods include dark cereals, beans, red meat, liver, and wholemeal bread. Vitamin B6 is responsible for immunity, tissue repair, and stimulates protein metabolism in the body. Thanks to him, red blood cells are formed in the blood, which carry oxygen throughout the body. And in the process of losing weight, fats are burned precisely thanks to oxygen. The connection is simple: a lack of B6 equals a slowdown in weight loss. Most of this vitamin is found in brown rice and barley. Vitamin B12 is also very important for the metabolic process, with its lack, irritability, weakness, and high fatigue developing – these are faithful companions of the diet. And even disruptions in the digestive system are possible! Do you need it? So we think not! So get your fill of fish, seafood, and egg yolks urgently.

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Losing weight even by 3-5 kg ​​can lead to loss of skin elasticity and hateful cellulite. To prevent this from happening, your diet must be rich in potassium. The lack of this trace element can lead to malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, so potassium for losing weight is another must-have. In addition, potassium contributes to the rapid digestion of food, the elimination of toxins, and an increase in muscle tone. Add dried fruits, bananas, nuts, and spinach to your diet. But the real storehouse of potassium is black currant. The season is starting soon, don’t miss it!

Fish oil for satiety and fast metabolism

The benefits of fish oil for weight loss are the special effects of fatty acids on the body. In particular, the increased concentration of DHA helps to shrink existing adipocytes (adipose tissue cells) and prevent the formation of new ones.

The following factors also contribute to the fight against excess weight: a feeling of satiety, acceleration of fat oxidation, building up “clean” muscle mass, prevention of insulin resistance. With regular consumption of fish oil, the natural metabolism is accelerated, which directly affects the breakdown of subcutaneous fat deposits. It also stimulates weight loss.

Anti-Fat Conjugated Linoleic Acid

CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid, is a complex compound of naturally occurring omega-6 linoleic fatty acid isomers. CLA has an active effect on fat and muscle tissue. It is able to burn fat, as well as tone cells to accelerate metabolic processes. Thus, CLA reduces fat deposition, enhances muscle growth, and reduces insulin resistance.

Check with a nutrition specialist before taking any supplement. An experienced doctor will tell you at what stage and what vitamins to take in order to achieve maximum results. And remember that a healthy and beautiful body is based on self-love. Exercise, get more rest, avoid stress, cut back on fast food and sugary drinks. And then the path to the dream body will bring only positive emotions.

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